Hassis Men’s Shop

via Hassis Men’s Shop


2809 Dune Drive
Avalon, NJ


ph: 609-967-3234

Discover Hassis Men’s Shop

Site Features

About Hassis Men’s Shop

Located in the heart of Avalon, Hassis Men’s Shop offers a curated selection of men’s clothing, shoes, and accessories from contemporary designers, featuring a range of styles for a bespoke look.

Hassis Men’s Shop

Avalon, NJ

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Overview + Contact

Business Type:



ph: 609-967-3234

Seasonal Operations:

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Location Details + Features

Street Address:

2809 Dune Drive
Avalon, NJ

Nearest Cross-Streets:

28th Street and Dune Drive

By Jitney:

stop at 28th Street and Dune Drive

Site Features:

SevenMileGuide.com - Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ Travel Guide and Planner

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