Cold Spring Presbyterian Cemetery

via Cold Spring Presbyterian Cemetery


780 Seashore Road
Cold Spring, NJ


ph: 609-884-5130

Discover Cold Spring Presbyterian Cemetery

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About Cold Spring Presbyterian Cemetery

Located in the Cold Spring area on the same property as the Red Brick church, Cold Spring Presbyterian Cemetery offers funeral and cemetery burial services for its church members, and hosts memorial services and tours.

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Cold Spring Presbyterian Cemetery

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ph: 609-884-5130

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Cold Spring Presbyterian Cemetery

Cold Spring, NJ

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Overview + Contact

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ph: 609-884-5130

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Location Details + Features

Street Address:

780 Seashore Road
Cold Spring, NJ

Nearest Cross-Streets:

Seashore Road and Academy Road

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no jitney stop nearby

Site Features: - Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ Travel Guide and Planner

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