Oct 19, 2024
Rain date is October 20.
8:30 am

Avalon’s Fall Dune Grass Planting

Free to participate


Join us in our seasonal grass plantings to help protect our beautiful shoreline! Experience the satisfaction of helping to preserve your local ecosystem by participating in our dune restoration initiative for the community. Perhaps it will become a family tradition!

Volunteers will meet at Avalon Community Hall on 30th Street and Avalon Avenue at 8:30 am, where a brief demonstration will be given on the technique to be used when planting dune grasses. A bagged light lunch will be provided to all volunteers.

To sign up, please contact Chuck McDonnell (609-967-3066) or Sue Keen (609-967-5924).

Rain date is scheduled for October 20.

Avalon’s Environmental Commission holds “Dune Grass Plantings” twice each year for volunteers to participate in to help protect the communities we love.

Plantings are held in late April and late October, and are open to volunteers young and old. Some teachers even give their students extra credit for participating in this important community event!


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Borough of Avalon



Avalon Community Hall
3001 Avalon Avenue // Avalon, NJ 08202

Date + Time

Oct 19, 2024
Rain date is October 20.
8:30 am
Rain date is October 20.
8:30 am
SevenMileGuide.com - Avalon and Stone Harbor NJ Travel Guide and Planner

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